SiFive Freedom E310 processor

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BSC Opens the European Laboratory for Open Computer Architecture, LOCA

The Barcelona Supercomputer Centre (BSC) has announced the opening of the European Laboratory for Open Computer Architecture (LOCA), which aims to develop both energy-efficient and high-performance chips based on open instruction set architectures (ISAs). “LOCA will be a collaborative laboratory that welcomes companies, foundations and academic institutions that share the… Read More
Observer Block Diagram

Observer Tacks RISC-V Cores to Sensors to Simplify Heterogeneous Aggregation

Olof Kindgren, director of the Free and Open Source Silicon Foundation (FOSSi Foundation), has released a tool designed to make multi-sensor aggregation on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) simpler: the RISC-V-powered Observer. “Implementing the logic for sensor communication, post processing and format conversion directly in an FPGA can quickly become very… Read More