SiFive Freedom E310 processor

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Solderpad Hardware Licence Gets New Release

Version 2.0 release of Solderpad Hardware Licence is simplified and presented as a wraparound to the Apache 2.0 software license. The Solderpad Hardware Licence is based upon the popular Apache 2.0 software license, which in contrast to simpler permissive software licences such as BSD and MIT, provides greater clarity… Read More
Opal Kelly Brain-1

Brain-1 Syzygy Open Dev Board Hits Crowd Supply

Opal Kelly has launched a crowdfunding campaign to produce a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) development board, Brain-1, featuring its Syzygy open standard for high-performance peripheral connectivity. Designed to coexist with existing interconnection standards including PMOD and FMC, Syzygy is claimed to be entirely vendor-agnostic and compatible with products from… Read More
Flex Logix eFPGA

SiFive adds Flex Logix eFPGAs to DesignShare

RISC-V pioneer SiFive has announced that Flex Logix is adding its EFLX embedded field-programmable gate array (FPGA) to the DesignShare platform, adding yet another string to the ecosystem’s system-on-chip (SoC) design bow. “There is a critical need in the chip industry to provide a faster, cheaper way for innovative companies… Read More

FireSim Brings RISC-V to Amazon’s AWS Platform

Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley RISE Lab have released FireSim, an open-source cloud instance of RocketChip RISC-V processors running on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. “FPGA-accelerated hardware simulation is by no means a new concept. However, previous attempts to use FPGAs for simulation have been fraught… Read More
Microsemi Mi-V Ecosystem

Microsemi Launches Mi-V Ecosystem

Microsemi has announced it is to help push RISC-V adoption through Mi-V, a new ecosystem which gives those developing on the open architecture full tier-one vendor support from the top down. “As a leader in RISC-V, we are pleased Microsemi is the first tier one vendor to build out a… Read More