Author: Gareth Halfacree

Gareth Halfacree is a technology journalist and technical author best known for his work on the Raspberry Pi User Guide and an upcoming book covering the BBC’s micro:bit project. A keen open source advocate and RISC-V fan, Gareth is responsible for curating our fortnightly community round-up posts.
Dr. Graham Markall at OSHCamp 2017

OSHCamp 2017 Videos Now Available

We’re pleased to announce that talks from the Open Source Hardware Camp (OSHCamp) 2017 are now available on the AB Open YouTube channel, covering topics from the RISC-V instruction set and machine learning for embedded systems through to the BBC micro:bit and garden automation. Recorded during OSHCamp 2017, the annual… Read More
Third Venture LoRa Stik

Open-Source LoRa Stik Hits Crowd Supply

Steven Osborn, of Oregon-based Third Venture Inc, has launched a crowdfunding campaign for a low-cost USB-connected LoRa transceiver: the LoRa Stik. “In 2013 I worked on a solution for vineyard owners to monitor wine grapes. Back then we were using expensive and not very robust xBee radios and had poor… Read More
Leti LPWAN Test Results

Leti Boasts of LoRa, NB-IoT-Beating LPWA-CB Tests

CEA Tech research institute Leti has announced a new low-power wide-area (LPWA) standard, based on a novel approach to the physical layer called Turbo Frequency-Shift Keying (Turbo-FSK), which it claims outperforms both LoRa and NB-IoT implementations. “Leti’s Turbo-FSK receiver performs close to the Shannon limit, which is the maximum rate… Read More
OpenPiton Pens

OpenPiton Research Processor Reaches Release 7

The team behind the OpenPiton Open Source Research Processor project has announced Release 7, bringing with it a range of improvements designed to make it easier to implement. Built on top of the open-source OpenSPARC processor, created in 2006 when Sun Microsystems released RTL code for its UltraSPARC T1 processor,… Read More
On Semiconductor's IoT Development Kit

ON Semiconductor Launches IoT Development Kit

ON Semiconductor has announced the launch of the Internet of Things (IoT) Development Kit (IDK), a development board ecosystem designed to make prototyping and test as rapid as possible. “ON Semiconductor recognised early on that something needed to be done about the disjointed situation that exists between the hardware and… Read More
Onethinx Core

Cypress, Semtech Announce Two-Chip LoRaWAN Module

Cypress Semiconductor and Semtech Corporation have announced their collaboration on a new, two-chip module combining a microcontroller with a long-range low-power LoRaWAN radio, to first appear in the Onethinx Core. “With its long range and low power capabilities in a compact footprint, Semtech’s LoRa Technology is ideal for vertical applications,”… Read More