Fedevel Academy’s Robert Feranec is in the process of running a four-part video course on printed circuit board (PCB) design, from an interesting angle: the analysis of an existing design, with a focus on mistakes to fix and improvements which could be made.

Designed for anyone involved in PCB production, from beginner level upwards, and offered as a taster of the topics covered in Fedevel’s PCB layout courses, Robert’s four-part video is currently half way through. Each roughly-15 minute video walks through a PCB design, discussing ways that it could be improved or enhanced – billed by Robert as “do you make the same mistakes?”

The design itself, Robert explains, was made by someone just starting out with hardware and PCB design – which, naturally, provides plenty of material for Robert to discuss, even though the design may be fully functional as-is. The beginner’s PCB layout is compared directly with an alternative layout created by an experienced designer, using exactly the same schematic, as a side-by-side comparative of the improvements that only experience and knowledge can offer.

Part 1 and Part 2 of the four-part series are live now, with the additional two parts to follow in the coming weeks.