RISC-V Foundation director Ted Speers has offered up more details on the organisations he would like to see involved in the recently-announced Security Standing Committee.

Announced earlier this month by executive director Rick O’Connor, the RISC-V Foundation’s Security Standing Committee came with a request: “[A] call to action for industry leaders, universities and government organisations to join the Foundation and work with us to build a more secure world for the benefit of everyone.”

Now, Foundation director Ted Speers has offered more details of whom the Committee is looking towards to help ensure the security of both the RISC-V instruction set architecture (ISA) and the wider industry.

“I would like to make an appeal for new members to join the RISC-V Foundation and the Security Standing Committee to become involved in developing better security practices and solutions, which is fundamental to every business in our industry,” Ted writes as part of an in-depth look at the Committee’s founding. “In addition to participation from security companies, we’d also like participation from the big data giants and defence companies. If you’re reading this and are excited about this opportunity to build a more secure world, reach out to the Foundation to get involved.”

More information on the Committee is available on the official website.