The Free and Open Source Silicon (FOSSi) Foundation has announced a call for proposals as part of its application to the Google Summer of Code event, which has previously borne fruit including the recreation of a classic computer on modern hardware.
An educational initiative run by advertising giant Google each year, the Summer of Code programme pairs student developers with open source organisations to work on projects over a three month period. Previous projects run through the FOSSi Foundation as part of the Summer of Code include the integration the recreation of the classic Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC) on a field-programmable gate array for educational use – a project which saw student Hatim Kanchwala travel from India to Hebden Bridge to present as part of the ORConf conference during Wuthering Bytes last year.
Students and mentors looking to join the Summer of Code event can apply via the FOSSi Foundation on the official website. Potential mentors must be available between May and August to provide mentorship to the student or students assigned to the project, though project proposals are welcomed even from those unable to provide mentorship in person.
Applications close on the 23rd of January.