Buildroot, a tool for easily generating complete Linux system images for embedded platforms through cross-compilation, has announced official support for the open RISC-V instruction set architecture following the merging of a patch set by Embecosm’s Mark Corbin.

Merged into the Buildroot source this weekend, as confirmed on the project’s Twitter account, Mark’s patch set is part of Embecosm’s larger support for the RISC-V architecture which has included work on a RISC-V-compatible tool chain and experimenting with support for vector extensions in the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and LLVM.

Detailed in full on the Embecosm blog, which includes full instructions for configuring Buildroot for RISC-V support and evaluating it using the open-source QEMU emulator, Mark’s patches add support for the 64-bit variant of the RISC-V instruction set architecture. The toolchain has already proven suitable for building a Linux 4.15 kernel suitable for booting on QEMU.

More detail on Mark’s patch set is available from the Buildroot mailing list, while those looking to get started will find full instructions on the Embecosm blog.